Physician profile


Guyen Elias Perez Diaz

Senior Physican


    • Specialist in anesthesiology, intensive care and emergency medicine
    • Specialized in emergency medical services
    • Additional qualification in emergency medicine
    • Additional qualification in intensive care transport

    Membership in professional societies

    • Mitglied DGAI seit 2019

    Contact & Appointment

    Marina Kleimusch

    Secretariat anesthesia

    Outpatient Clinic

    Phone +49 2351 945-2902
    Fax +49 2351 945-2393

    Office hours


    Monday - Friday
    8.00 - 14.00

    At all other times, you will be helped in our Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic Phone +49 2351 945-0.

    Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic