Foot and ankle joint

Andrea Knichel

Chief of

Foot and Ankle Surgery / Pediatric Orthopedics

    Did you know that your feet really make a difference?
    They carry you around the world three times in your life, so to speak. That's why it's so important to be good on your feet from an early age. At Sportklinik Hellersen, we therefore pay the greatest attention to children's feet.

    Starting with the surgical correction of children's flat feet, corrections of foot and forefoot deformities such as hallux valgus, ankle joint surgery and the use of ligaments to stabilize the joints.

    Our foot and ankle surgery team has many years of experience in the conservative and surgical treatment of diseases and deformities of the foot and ankle - in children and adults.

    Individual treatment tailored to the patient is always the focus of our work.

    Focal points of treatment

    • Differentiated treatment of hallux valgus
    • Joint-preserving and joint-stiffening therapy for hallux rigidus
    • Surgical therapy for small toe malalignment and metatarsalgia / claw toes
    • Joint-preserving flatfoot surgery with tendon reconstruction
    • Stabilizing metatarsal surgery after old injuries and fractures
    • Achilles tendon reconstruction for acute and chronic injuries
    • Heel spur surgery
    • Reconstruction and stabilization surgery of the peroneal tendons
    • Ligament reconstruction of the upper ankle joint
    • Arthroscopy of the upper ankle joint and hindfoot
    • Treatment of cartilage damage to the upper ankle joint
    • Stage-oriented treatment of osteoarthritis of the upper and lower ankle joint
    • Joint fusion of the upper and lower ankle joint
    • Endoprosthetics of the upper ankle joint
    • Correction of the child's flat foot

    Our medical team

    Andrea Knichel

    Chief of

    Foot and Ankle Surgery / Pediatric Orthopedics

      Reda Abdelatti

      Senior Physican

      Foot and ankle surgery

        Dr. med. Kerstin Hengstmann

        Leading Senior Physican

        Foot and ankle surgery

          Contact & Appointments

          Stefanie Baudis

          Foot and ankle surgery secretariat

          If you have not found a suitable date for you, please contact us by telephone.

          Outpatient clinic

          Phone +49 2351 945-2386
          Fax +49 2351 945-2091

          Office hours


          8.00 - 15.00


          8.00 - 15.00
          Appointments by arrangement

          At all other times you will be helped in our Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic Phone +49 2351 945-0.

          Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic