International Scoliosis Awareness Day

Scoliosis specialist at the Hellersen Sports Clinic emphasizes the importance of early

Around three to five percent of the population suffer from scoliosis. To raise awareness of scoliosis and
related spinal disorders, the
International Scoliosis Awareness Day is held worldwide every year on June 26. Dr. Oliver Meier, Chief Physician of Special
Spine Surgery at the German Spine and Scoliosis Centre at the Hellersen Sports Clinic,
uses this day to highlight the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of the disease of the
musculoskeletal system.

"Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves and twists sideways, resulting in a
three-dimensional deformity. These changes can have a significant impact on
quality of life, especially if left untreated," says Dr. Oliver Meier, explaining the
clinical picture. Early diagnosis is therefore crucial in order to take preventive measures
and avoid potential spinal surgery. "Scoliosis can often be corrected without surgery if detected and treated
in good time. This underlines the
importance of education and regular examinations, especially for children and
adolescents," adds the head physician and goes on to say: "Nowadays, the U-examinations
offer a thorough examination of children so that scoliosis is detected at an early stage."

While slight deformations of the spine can only be detected on closer inspection or as part of an
examination, severe deformations show clear external signs.
One shoulder often hangs lower than the other, the pelvis is crooked, the shoulder blade protrudes
and, in severe cases, a rib hump forms. This occurs on the side where the
spine rotates, while a curvature can often be seen in the lumbar vertebrae.

The German Scoliosis Network (DSN) provides comprehensive support for those affected,
as they benefit from contacts to specialized clinics and surgeons for the treatment of scoliosis
. The German Spine and Scoliosis Center at the sports clinic
Hellersen in Lüdenscheid is also listed here.


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Sarah Burghaus
Head of Marketing & Communication, Press Officer

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