Exercise caution on hot days
Summer attracts many people to go outside for sports. At the same time, many marathon events take place in summer and fall, for which numerous athletes prepare. Whether it's for fun, to keep fit, or specific preparation for a sporting event - there are a few things to keep in mind when doing sports, and especially on hot summer days. Andreas Kramer, sports scientist in the sports medicine department of the Sportklinik Hellersen, gives five tips for a healthy sports break.
Adhere to recovery phases
Those who train regularly become fitter and can increase their training bit by bit. However, the recovery period is just as important as the training itself. Here, the body has the opportunity to adjust and recover after the workout. It refuels. In this way, the carbohydrate stores are replenished with the appropriate nutrition and the electrolyte and fluid balance is balanced.
Health is the top priority
Only those who feel healthy and fit should push themselves to peak performance. If you have a summer flu, for example, you should first fully heal before you start training again. Pre-existing conditions should also be taken into account. It is better to be cautious and first get medical advice on whether you are up to the increased strain. In a performance diagnostic, which Andreas Kramer and the team of the Sportmedizin Hellersen carry out in the Sportklinik Hellersen, the physical fitness is assessed with medical accompaniment. The difference to a simple stress ECG: the possible progress that can be trained is also recorded. For this reason, performance diagnostics also provide orientation when starting or returning to sport, so that sporting misjudgements and excessive demands can be avoided. And also, if it is a question of increasing performance in a health-oriented manner, a possible training plan is built up on this basis.
Caution at high temperatures
Driving your body to peak performance at extremely high temperatures can be dangerous. It is therefore better to avoid sports in the blazing heat and to postpone training on these days until the morning or evening. And it's also important to keep the body hydrated while exercising as a preventive measure.
Drinking enough
In general, but especially at high temperatures, it is important to replenish fluid stores sufficiently. Thus no thirst feeling should arise at all. At the same time the expert guesses in addition, it with the liquid supply not to exaggerate. Because who takes up more water, than it excretes, its salt concentration in the blood sinks. If a certain value is exceeded thereby, heavy health problems threaten. For this reason, Sportmedizin Hellersen recommends drinking half a liter per hour during exertion - or more in hot weather. A tip from Andreas Kramer: Before and after exercise, weigh yourself to see how much fluid you have lost, and drink about the same amount again after exercise.
The right diet
Anyone who does sports should eat a balanced diet. The rule of thumb is that those who consume more must also replenish their stores more frequently in order to achieve the desired performance. To avoid stomach problems, do not exercise on a full stomach. It is better if the last large meal was about two hours ago. To avoid a drop in performance, stores can be replenished for a short time on the move with drinks, bars or special sports nutrition.
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