TOP doctors

  • Successful recertification of the Sportklinik Hellersen

    Successful recertification of the Sportklinik Hellersen 

    The Hellersen Sports Clinic is once again setting high standards in terms of quality and patient safety. After the specialist clinic had already been awarded the renowned ISO 9001 certificate in 2021, the recertification now confirms the…

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  • Sports clinic doctor again among top physicians

    FOCUS Gesundheit honors Dr. Ulrich Schneider
    For 30 years, the magazine FOCUS Gesundheit has been recommending Germany's top physicians in its large list of doctors. Among them again for the year 2023 is Dr. Ulrich Schneider, Head Physician of Sports Medicine at the Hellersen Sports Clinic, as…

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  • Sports clinic chief physicians honored as top physicians by Focus Gesundheit

    Dr. Ulrich Schneider and Dr. Oliver Meier included in top list
    Dr. Oliver Meier, head physician of the department of special spine surgery, and Dr. Ulrich Schneider, head physician of sports medicine at the Hellersen Sports Clinic, are once again among the top physicians honored by Focus Gesundheit…

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  • Top physicians 2021

    Dr. Ulrich Schneider and Dr. Oliver Meier listed in best list by Focus magazine
    Doctors from the Hellersen Sports Clinic are again listed in the Focus-Gesundheit magazine's best list for 2021. Dr. Ulrich Schneider receives the award for the top physician in the category of sports medicine as well as…

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