Doctor profile


Dr. med. Bernd Lasarzewski

Senior Expert

Shoulder, elbow, knee surgery and traumatology

    • Specialist in orthopaedics
    • Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery
    • chirotherapy
    • Sports medicine
    • D-accident physician
    • Specialist in radiation protection
    • DFB football medicine certificate

    Membership in professional associations

    • Member of the Medical Commission of the DFB

    Contact & Appointments

    Dagmar Alms

    Secretariat Shoulder, elbow, knee surgery and traumatology

    Private outpatient clinic

    Tel. 02351 945-2305
    Fax 02351 945-2307

    Outpatient clinic

    Tel. 02351 945-2331
    Fax 02351 945-2258

    At all other times, you can call our Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic on 02351 945-0.

    Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic