"Raising awareness" on the 13th day of action against pain

Pain therapy as the last hope for chronic pain

Millions of people in Germany suffer from chronic pain, which can be triggered by various causes such as rheumatic diseases, orthopaedic conditions or tumor pain. According to the German Pain Society, half of all pain patients receive inadequate treatment. The association has launched the nationwide day of action against pain, which will take place for the 13th time next Thursday, June 4, 2024. The day of action aims to raise awareness and the importance of appropriate pain therapy and improve the care of pain patients. Dr. Wolfgang Welke, Head Physician at the Schmerzmedizin Hellersen at the Sportklinik Hellersen, draws attention to the crucial role of pain therapy as the last hope for people with chronic pain.

From nerve pain to post-operative pain to severe migraine attacks - pain medicine covers a wide range of treatment options and therapeutic approaches to help people with various forms of pain. An important point of contact for people with chronic pain who urgently need help and support is the Schmerzmedizin Hellersen at the Sportklinik Hellersen. "Many of our patients have already gone through a long ordeal in which they have tried various pain therapies and medications, but without the hoped-for improvement," explains Head Physician Dr. Wolfgang Welke and continues: "They continue to suffer from persistent pain and are looking for alternative treatment options in pain medicine." It is not only the body that suffers from chronic pain, but the psyche is also massively impaired by this persistent stress, which often leads to withdrawal from social life, inactivity and depression.

"Our goal as doctors and therapists in pain therapy is to support our patients in coping with their pain, even if it persists despite treatment of the underlying illness," explains the head physician. The complex process of pain therapy therefore begins with a thorough analysis of the cause of the pain. In close cooperation with the patient, various treatment options are then examined and an individual treatment plan is drawn up in order to achieve the best possible pain relief. The spectrum of special pain medicine ranges from multimodal pain therapy, which combines various approaches such as physiotherapy, psychology and medication, to innovative pain pumps and pain pacemakers. These are implantable drug pumps that release controlled medication directly into the body to alleviate pain, or procedures that relieve pain without medication by stimulating the nerves in the spinal cord. "For many people suffering from chronic pain, this special pain therapy is often the last hope not only to relieve the pain, but also to regain quality of life," emphasizes Dr. Wolfgang Welke, underlining the importance of the day of action.

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Sarah Burghaus
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