Special clinic Märkischer Kreis

  • Hand Day 2025: Ganglion cysts - when small bumps raise big questions

    Under the motto "Your hand deserves experts!", the "Day of the Hand" will take place on March 1, 2025. The German Society for Hand Surgery (DGH) is dedicating this day of action to a widespread but often underestimated topic: ganglion cysts.

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen reaches milestone

    Sportklinik Hellersen is celebrating a significant highlight in the history of arthroplasty - the specialist clinic for orthopaedics, trauma surgery, pain medicine, sports medicine and arthroplasty recently implanted its 15,000th joint replacement in the field of arthroplasty. This success includes…

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  • First nursing trainee at Sportklinik Hellersen successfully completes training

    Sportklinik Hellersen is pleased to announce the successful completion of its first nursing trainee. Florian Heinemann has successfully completed his three-year training. After changing training providers on March 15, 2023, he continued his training at Sportklinik Hellersen. "Switching to…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen joins Patient Blood Management Network

    Sportklinik Hellersen is now part of the German and European Patient Blood Management Network and has been certified with the silver award for its outstanding performance in implementing the measures. The advanced medical concept aims to strengthen the body's own blood reserves and improve patient…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen supports "Region der Lebensretter MK"

    Every year, more than 70,000 people in Germany suffer a sudden cardiac arrest outside a hospital. Despite the high number of people affected, the survival rate is currently only 10 percent. This is an alarming figure that highlights the importance of fast and effective first aid. Irreversible brain…

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  • "Raising awareness" on the 13th day of action against pain

    Pain therapy as the last hope for chronic pain

    Millions of people in Germany suffer from chronic pain, which can be triggered by various causes such as rheumatic diseases, orthopaedic conditions or tumor pain. According to the German Pain Society, half of all pain patients receive inadequate…

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  • Sportklinik doctors again listed as top physicians

    Focus Gesundheit honors Dr. Ulrich Schneider and Dr. Petra Scheffer

    The magazine Focus Gesundheit recommends the top doctors in Germany in its large list of doctors. Dr. Ulrich Schneider, Head of Sportmedizin at the Sportklinik Hellersen, was once again named one of the top doctors in the sports…

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  • FOCUS Health 2024: Neurosurgeon at Sportklinik Hellersen once again among the best in the region

    Dr. Ralf Wied receives award for outstanding outpatient care for the second time in a row

    In 2024, FOCUS Gesundheit will once again provide an overview of medical specialties and recommend the best doctors working in outpatient care in the region. This once again includes a doctor from Sportklinik…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen receives three awards as a top employer

    The clinic is not only valued by patients, but also highly rated by its own team, which is reflected in the impressive recommendation rate. It's not just about work here - it's about team spirit and a passion for first-class medical care.

    The search for employees is becoming increasingly difficult.…

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  • New scoliosis center at the Sportklinik Hellersen

    Spine specialists focus on complex operations for scoliosis

    As a specialist clinic, the Sportklinik Hellersen is an integral part of the hospital landscape and is one of the top hospitals in its disciplines in many areas, such as endoprosthetics and spinal surgery. And the specialist clinic is…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen is one of the first clinics to use new technology for pain treatment

    Controlling chronic pain: New spinal cord stimulator automatically adapts therapy

    The Center for Special Pain Medicine at the Sportklinik Hellersen is one of the first clinics to implant an innovation for the treatment of chronic pain. The advantage for patients: the new Inceptiv neurostimulator,…

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  • New start at the Sportklinik Hellersen: physiotherapist becomes personnel officer

    First dual student successfully completes training at special clinic
    Katharina Krömer associates a very special journey with the Sportklinik Hellersen. After she had to give up her original profession as a qualified physiotherapist due to an accident at work, she made a new start at the…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen takes part in World Cup in Australia

    Senior physician Dr. Tobias Schmenn cares for the national team as team physician /
    Dr. Ulrich Schneider, head physician Sportmedizin Hellersen, also present

    From July 20 to August 20, the German women's national team will play for the World Cup title in Australia and New Zealand.

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen among "Germany's Excellent Hospitals 2023/24

    Stern magazine recommends specialist clinic in the areas of cruciate ligament rupture/meniscus and spinal surgery
    The news magazine Stern identified the best clinics from among 2,400 hospitals in Germany and 42 specialist areas. The Sportklinik Hellersen is also one of them and is honored in the…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen accompanies European Games in Krakow

    Dr. Stefan Nolte looks after the team of German sports shooters as team doctor
    The European Games will take place for the third time from June 21 to July 2. In 2015, the European Games were initiated for the first time by the European Olympic Committee and since then, Dr. Stefan Nolte, head…

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  • Healthy and fit through the finish with the Sportmedizin Hellersen

    Special clinic supports ISG Lüdenscheid in preparation for the AOK company run
    Several thousand participants take to the start line every year at the AOK company run in Lüdenscheid. Among them is a group from the inclusive sports community - ISG for short - which is preparing for this event together…

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  • Off on your bike - tips for a good start to the season

    Andreas Kramer, sports scientist in the sports medicine department of the Sportklinik Hellersen in Lüdenscheid, explains the basics at
    As temperatures rise, so does the desire to do outdoor sports, and thus to ride a bike. However, health should always be in the foreground. At the start of the…

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  • "Highly qualified clinics such as the Sportklinik Hellersen take on an important role"

    CDU Member of Parliament Dr. Georg Kippels in an exchange with the management of the Sportklinik Hellersen
    The future challenges in the hospital landscape, such as the upcoming hospital reform and increasing outpatientization, were the predominant topics in an exchange between Dr. Georg Kippels and…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen is a top employer in the healthcare sector

    Evaluation platform kununu awards Top Company seal to the specialist clinic for orthopedics, trauma surgery and sports medicine in Lüdenscheid
    A good working environment and satisfied employees - that's what the Top Company seal stands for. Since 2015, the kununu rating platform has awarded a seal…

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  • After breast cancer: "With the breast reconstruction I finally feel complete again".

    After a long road of fighting, they beat the disease and regained a piece of their quality of life with breast reconstruction. Two patients of Dr. Petra Scheffer, Chief Physician for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, report.

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  • New nursing service manager at the Sportklinik Hellersen

    After 33 years, farewell to #TeamHellersen
    New year, new mission! For many people, the turn of the year marks a time to start something new. For Andreas Rabe, this was also the case. He took up his new position as head of nursing at the Sportklinik Hellersen.

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen is looking for federal volunteers for the operating room

    Insight into the orthopedic specialist clinic / "We work hand in hand"
    Get a taste of everyday hospital life for a year and get an up-close look at the operating room. This opportunity is offered by the Sportklinik Hellersen . The orthopedic specialty clinic is looking for young people who would…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen helps shape healthcare of the future

    Chairman of the Executive Board Dirk Burghaus a guest at Petersberg prevention talks
    At Petersberg, everything revolved around health on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Experts from the fields of medicine, science and politics, as well as managing directors of service providers such as Deutsche…

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  • In a national comparison: Above-average number of patients recommend the Sportklinik Hellersen

    Particularly good results for implantation of joint replacements
    Of 601 patient evaluations, 89 percent recommend the Sportklinik Hellersen. This was the result of the clinic comparison of the AOK Northwest, which was recently published. Using the health navigator on the AOK website, patients can…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen one step closer to becoming a sustainable clinic

    Special hospital introduces RECUP reusable system
    Sustainability and environmental protection are becoming increasingly important. However, in healthcare and especially in hospitals, it is often difficult to act and take measures sustainably due to the high hygienic requirements. "Sustainability is…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen belongs to top hospitals in Germany

    Stern magazine honors specialty clinic in spine surgery
    When it comes to health, it's also about trust. The large list of the Stern magazine "Germany's excellent hospitals" shows how many people trust in the expertise of the Sportklinik Hellersen, in which the Lüdenscheid special clinic is also…

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  • First pain therapist at the Center for Special Pain Medicine

    Interdisciplinary collaboration enriches Sportklinik Hellersen
    Dr. Wolfgang Welke has a lot of experience in the field of pain treatment. Now the head physician of the Center for Special Pain Medicine at the Sportklinik Hellersen trained the first pain therapist.


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  • Gold award for the Sportklinik Hellersen

    Clean Hands Campaign: Clinic receives certificate for hand hygiene
    After the special clinic for orthopedics, trauma surgery and sports medicine received the silver certificate last year as part of the Clean Hands Campaign, the Sportklinik Hellersen can look forward to the gold certificate this year.

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen successfully certified

    Investment in the future of the orthopedic specialty clinic
    Top-level medicine and all-round care for patients are the aspirations of the Sportklinik Hellersen . The ISO 9001 certificate that the orthopedic specialty clinic recently received shows that this is being met.

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  • Exam completed: Sportklinik Hellersen well positioned to train

    Two dedicated employees complete further training in practical guidance
    Actively counteracting the shortage of skilled workers. The best way to do this is to train staff in-house. The Sportklinik Hellersen already made a start last year with a cooperation as a partner for practical assignments with…

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  • 100 percent sterile and still sustainable in the operating room

    Cooperation with Lüdenscheid-based company
    The clock is ticking. Climate change continues to advance. This makes the issue of sustainability all the more important. However, sustainability is usually difficult to implement, especially for a hospital and in the operating room, where the top priority…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen implants first next-generation pain stimulator in Germany

    Center for Special Pain Medicine: Extended life of pain pacemakers and operation with tablet
    Up to 16 million people suffer from chronic pain in Germany, according to the German Pain Society.

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen donates 2,170 euros to Stadtsportverband Lüdenscheid e.V. and Kreissportbund Märkischer Kreis e.V.

    The Sportklinik Hellersen supports children and young people in sports with 2,170 euros. Yesterday, Monday, October 18, Clinic Director Dirk Burghaus presented a donation of 1,085 euros each to the Stadtsportverband Lüdenscheid e. V. (SSV) and to the Kreissportbund Märkischer Kreis e. V. (KSB).

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen celebrates 75th anniversary

    Thefirst athletes were treated in 1946 / Main focus is on specialization
    A lot has changed in healthcare in 75 years. This also applies to the Sportklinik Hellersen. The orthopedic specialty clinic is celebrating its anniversary this year.

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  • Juggler back on the ball after wrist surgery at Sportklinik Hellersen Member of Clowns and Company gives first events after torn ligament

    Thanks to a hand operation, Markus Lenze is able to pursue his hobby again. And to his great surprise, much faster than he originally thought. As a member of Clowns and Company e.V., Markus Lenze is a familiar face in the Märkischer Kreis.

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  • 10,000 euros for flood victims

    Sportklinik Hellersen collects donations for employees
    10,000 euros were collected during a fundraising campaign at the Sportklinik Hellersen. They will benefit an employee who was hit hard by the flood disaster.

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  • Covid-19 and Sport

    What to watch out for when returning to sports after a corona illness
    Normal life is returning bit by bit and corona is moving into the background due to the current easing. However, anyone who has had a corona illness should not take it lightly, advises Dr. Ulrich Schneider, internist and head…

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  • Performance study with firefighting trainees

    24 trainees of the district fire department for performance testing at the Sportklinik Hellersen
    24 trainees of the district fire department underwent performance diagnostics at the Sports Medicine Department of the Sportklinik Hellersen last week. The performance diagnostics are part of a study in…

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  • Hygiene certificate for the Sportklinik Hellersen

    Award in hand hygiene / Few wound infections thanks to good concept
    Hygiene is the be-all and end-all in hospitals. The Sportklinik Hellersen not only puts this into practice with an excellent safety and hygiene concept regarding prevention of the coronavirus. The orthopedic specialty clinic can…

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  • A disease that is often not recognized

    Patients report what it's like to live with lipedema
    Disparaging looks and insulting comments about her figure are part of Brigitte Brühl's everyday life. What many people don't know is that Brigitte Brühl is not simply fat, she has a disease - lipedema. This is a painful disease of the fatty tissue…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen for the first time training center for nursing staff

    Cooperation with the Liebeskind Care Academy GmbH nursing school in Werdohl / Trainees start on April 20
    For the first time since its opening, the Sportklinik Hellersen will become a training center for prospective nursing specialists today, Tuesday, April 20. This is made possible by a cooperation…

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  • Top physicians 2021

    Dr. Ulrich Schneider and Dr. Oliver Meier listed in best list by Focus magazine
    Doctors from the Sportklinik Hellersen are again listed in the Focus-Gesundheit magazine's best list for 2021. Dr. Ulrich Schneider receives the award for the top physician in the category of sports medicine as well as…

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  • Do not wait too long for fear

    Keep an eye on the time frame even for elective surgery
    An emergency is urgent and usually requires immediate surgery. Postponement is not possible. With an elective - i.e., plannable - procedure, it's a different story.

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  • The expert for the hip

    Dr. Joachim Hagenah, head physician of the endoprosthetics department at the Sportklinik Hellersen, explains why experience minimizes risks
    Hip surgery is a major operation that should be well planned. For Dr. Joachim Hagenah, however, it is routine. He has been working at the Sportklinik Hellersen,…

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  • New designation, familiar quality

    Department of Shoulder, Elbow and Knee Surgery becomes Center for Special Joint and Trauma Surgery
    With immediate effect, the department of private lecturer Dr. Sascha Beck at the Sportklinik Hellersen is no longer called "Shoulder, Elbow and Knee Surgery/Sports Traumatology", but "Center for…

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  • Sportklinik Hellersen donates Advent calendar to the Olpe Children's Hospice

    For children, the anticipation of Christmas is often the best joy and this is usually increased with an Advent calendar. In order to give children with whom fate has not been kind a very special joy before Christmas, the Sportklinik Hellersen is donating 50 Advent calendars to the Balthasar…

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  • A stroke of fate led Katharina Krömer to the Sportklinik Hellersen

    Dual studies possible again next year
    July 20, 2016 changed everything in Katharina Krömer's life. Due to an accident at work, the now 28-year-old was suddenly no longer able to work in her learned profession as a physiotherapist.

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  • New medical director at the sports clinic

    Dr. Petra Scheffer replaces Dr. Jürgen Hagenah after five and a half years
    Since 2015, Dr. Jürgen Hagenah has been Medical Director at the Sportklinik Hellersen. After five and a half years, he will now be replaced on November 1 by Dr. Petra Scheffer, chief physician for plastic, reconstructive and…

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  • New chief physician enables more treatments on back and spine

    New specialist area from October 1 at the Sports Clinic
    Dr. Oliver Meier's specialty is the spine. Whether deformations, curvatures or age-related changes due to wear and tear - the head physician for special spine surgery comes into play when higher-grade instabilities are present and there is no…

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