Sportklinik Hellersen belongs to top hospitals in Germany

Stern magazine honors specialist clinic in the field of spinal surgery

When it comes to health, it's also about trust. The large list of Stern magazine's "Germany's Excellent Hospitals", in which the Lüdenscheid-based specialty clinic is also listed, shows how many people trust the expertise of the Sportklinik Hellersen.

Together with the research institute Munich Inquire Media (MINQ), the magazine selected the 100 best from more than 2,400 German hospitals surveyed. To do this, MINQ surveyed the reputation among doctors and researched which hospitals patients particularly recommend. Information on the range of services, the focus and excellence of the specialist departments, special services as well as quality assurance and hygiene were also included in the survey. In addition, more than 90 specialist certifications were weighted and taken into account.

In addition to the top 100 German clinics, regional lists and 40 recommendation lists were drawn up for the individual departments. Sportklinik Hellersen is honored in the area of spinal surgery (orthopedics). "The award once again underscores our high level of specialization and wide-ranging expertise. We are very pleased to be among the best clinics in Germany," says Dirk Burghaus, CEO of the Sportklinik Hellersen.

Stern presents all the recommended facilities in the special issue "Gute Kliniken für mich," which will be published on Saturday, July 23.


Press contact

Sarah Burghaus
Head of Marketing, Corporate Communication & PR, Press Spokesperson

Marie Schulz
Public Relations